Ghosting ~ A classic german goth band’s history

Ghosting ~ A classic german goth band’s history

A wonderful description of what things were like in the late 80s by Sascha Tayefeh, as well as a very nicely written history of the great german goth band, Ghosting. Please note that this text has been taken from the official website for Ghosting which is down.  If it...
Interview with Lestat

Interview with Lestat

  Interview with Lestat by Kris Prudhomme ~Accommodations and scheduling for the Interview created by DJ Jason~ Hello Evan, how are you doing today? Mind doing a bit of an intro for the band for readers outside the goth scene? We’ve got a diverse readership here...
Interview with Terminal Gods

Interview with Terminal Gods

Interview With Terminal Gods by Kris Prudhomme ~Accommodations and scheduling for the Interview created by DJ Jason~ Hello guys! Would you mind starting off by introducing yourselves to the readers? I’m Robert Maisey, lead guitarist from Terminal Gods. I live with...
Interview with Asylum XIII

Interview with Asylum XIII

Interview with Asylum XIII by Kris Prudhomme Hello Daemon, how are you and the band doing these days? I heard you have a little one who made an arrival some time ago, congratulations! Mind introducing everyone? Daemon: Hey Kris, I’m doing fine, as is the band. Thank...


MICK MERCER RADIO Broadcast ~an international perspective, with new bands galore alongside classics and curios~ Live Every Sunday night/evening 10pm, UK time. (in NYC and rest of the east coast of the USA, it’s on at 5pm) “I treat my show like a modern...