Alchemy / KHZ / Vibralux / Flesh Fetish / Losing Venus / Datura / A Different State / Eleanor Payne / siMonsteRn / Bow Ever Down / Bitter Grace / Xero-G / Halovox / Drop Dead Fest Afterparty / Dead Emotion / the Vein / Ego Likeness / Voltaire / Vulgaras / Dark Eden / Ninth House / Get Precious / Attics Noise / Murder in the Dark / The Evolutionaries / VIRGO

Alchemy / Torn Paper Dolls / Ghost Orgy / Anathema Device / The Trinity Project / Echomatrix / Folk Fiction / Datura / Platform One / Dreamatorium / Ego Likeness / Carfax Abbey / Bitter Grace / Torsion / Guest DJ Ian FFord / Infidel / Conscious Structure / Guest DJ Storm / Guest DJ Dandysex / Voltaire / The Drowning Season / Bow Ever Down / Turn Pale / Ninth House / Folk Fiction / Bitter Grace / Ebe / Dorothy Does Drugs / Autodrone / Second Skin / The Throes / Torn Paper Dolls

Alchemy / Thou Shalt Not / Folk Fiction / More Machine Than Man / Bitter Grace / Unto Ashes / The Drowning Season / Sofia Run / Nicki Jaine / Infidel / 6 year Anniversary / Bitter Grace / Otto’s Daughter / Invisible Records / Chris Connelly / Meg Lee Chin / Killboxxx / Bow Ever Down / Anathema Device / Hate in the Box / DropDeadGorgeous / Suture.Seven / Torsion / Dorothy Does Drugs / DJ Jason’s Birthday Party / Carfax Abbey / Folk Fiction / Somna M. Bulist

Alchemy / Rosin Coven / Mantik / Datura / Rasp / Untitled Art / Sabrina / Dust Dedayne / Otto’s Daughter / Carfax Abbey / Package / The Thin Crawl / Torsion / Folk Fiction / St. Eve / Galvanized / Impulse / Bow Ever Down / Thou Shalt Not

Alchemy / DJ Jason / All of the Pretty Horses / Tulip Sweet / Infidel / Torsion / Datura / Dust Dedayne / Platform One / Paul Murphy Band / Galvanized / Bow Ever Down / Vulgaras / Salome’s Wish / Folk Fiction / Curse

Alchemy / Bow Ever Down

Alchemy / Bitter Grace / Secret Satan / New Year’s Eve / Voltaire / Otto’s Daughter / Charm School / Job / Unto Ashes / Sins of Lust / Bitter Fall / Bow Ever Down / +Complex

Alchemy / Rasp / Bow Ever Down / Infidel / Amber Spyglass / The Thin Crawl