Alchemy / Secret Satan

The Miss Gothic NYC 2000 Pageant / Miss Becki

The Miss Gothic NYC 2000 Pageant / Voltaire

Rubber Monkey Revenge

Long Black Veil / Xorvia / More Machine Than Man

Alchemy / Spaceboy / Margot Day / Secret Satan

Sanctum / Beauty for Ashes / The Miss Gothic 2000 Pageant / Voltaire / Violent Fix

Sanctum / Beauty for Ashes


Alchemy / The Mirror Reveals / Datura / Margot Day

Alchemy / The Mystic Underground / Platform One / The Mirror Reveals / Datura

Alchemy / Captured By Robots / The Mystic Underground / Platform One

Halloween at CBGB / The Deep Eynde / Spy Society 99 / Bella Morte / Mors Syphilitica / Cult of the Psychic Fetus / The Funeral Crashers / Datura

Halloween at CBGB / The Deep Eynde / Mors Syphilitica / Spy Society 99 / Cult of the Psychic Fetus / Bella Morte / The Funeral Crashers / Datura

Alchemy / DJ Jason’s Birthday / Rhea’s Obsession / The Deep Eynde

Long Black Veil


Alchemy / Love Alien / Acts Magdalena / The Deep Eynde