Alchemy / Gravedance

Facade was a fun monthly scene night produced by DJ Jason who also DJed. It was in the basement level of Z-bar with a different Guest DJ each month. Z-bar was on Ave A. in Manhattan’s East Village. DJ Ian FFord was the first guest and DJ Patrick was the...
Alchemy (regular pass #2)

Alchemy / Voltaire

Alchemy / The New Creatures

Alchemy / Own

Alchemy / Hollerwell

Alchemy / Figurehead

Alchemy Gothic Mondays
For almost 10 years, Alchemy was held in CBGB’s 313 Gallery every Monday with DJ Jason spinning purely Gothic music (no VNV, Depeche Mode, the Smiths …etc.). It remained popular and unchanged in format from 1996 to 2006. Unlike most club nights, Alchemy ended due to a relationship breakup between the 2 promoters and not because of a failing like poor attendance or not enough liquor sales. It was a really strong party throughout and most scene events in NYC were going well around the time it ended. Sadly, the end of Alchemy, and subsequently Albion, spelled the end of NYC’s goth band scene and the whole gothic scene in NYC suffered a terrible and rapid decline until 2009 when the bounce back from rock bottom started.