Luna sits down with Tim Vic to discuss current things with the great gothic band, Nosferatu:
1. To much delight of NOSFERATU fans, the band recently announced two gig dates, March 16th at the Leeds Library Lending Room in Leeds and March 17th at the 100 Club in London. How do you feel about NOSFERATU’s upcoming gigs?
Playing music in front of an audience is always a wonderful thing to do. It’s about time to do some UK shows after playing festivals abroad and we’re very excited!
2. You are on the ticket with CHILDREN OF STUN, another iconic Gothic rock band. Are you looking forward to playing on the same ticket with them? Any special highlights you can share about the upcoming performances?
Some of us have played shows together with CHILDREN ON STUN before, so it is a second time around thing. For me it’s an “again for the first time” situation. I have seen CHILDREN ON STUN play live before and I’m very much looking forward to sharing the stage with them! MEMENTO MORI will join us in Leeds btw.
3. Interestingly, after your set at the 100 Club, both NOSFERATU and CHILDREN OF STUN will be performing punk covers. What are some of the songs you are planning to cover?
Well researched. For us the 100 Club is the home of UK punk rock like CBGBs in New York. We want to pay homage to some bands of those days. NOSFERATU have already done CLASH and RAMONES covers, we like the SEX PISTOLS and THE DAMNED so: let’s see…
4. The last release from NOSFERATU was Wonderland in 2011, which received many positive reviews. Now with much anticipation of the single, London Calling, and your studio album, Grail Hunting, can you share with us any of the release dates?
We’ve recorded some songs already, met to write and played new material last year so hopefully there will be a release coming up soon. Damien came up with the Hunting for the Holy Grail album title which we reduced in the meantime. I love that title as it is fits perfectly with the times we’re living now. Quite fascinating.
5. The London Calling artwork is very catchy and a new artwork style?
I love it as it combines the political aspect (lyrics, Brexit) and the vampire/creepy side and coincidentally the cat’s on there – Merlin, R.I.P. – was one of the first NOSFERATU songs
6. On London Calling, you cover Within the Realm of the Dying Sun, one of the most notable songs from the Gothic rock band, LOVE LIKE BLOOD. How did this come about? Why was this song chosen?
Before I joined the band Nosferatu played shows with LOVE LIKE BLOOD. Damien was playing lead guitar for Within the Realm of a Dying Sun on one of those (LOVE LIKE BLOOD farewell) shows and got really into that song and met also Gonzo, LLB’s first singer (who was guest vocalist for couple of songs) who later joined NOSFERATU, but developed problems with his throat. He couldn’t do the WAVE GOTIK TREFFEN festival in Leipzig (Europe’s biggest goth festival) back in 2015. That’s why I jumped in. He wanted and tried to sing Within the Realm of a Dying Sun at least – so we sang it together and the audience got so excited that we ended up playing it twice!
7. On the subject of your new studio album, Grail Hunting, what can NOSFERATU fans expect from this album? Any overall theme you are trying to capture while writing any of the new material?
As I mentioned before, it’s an interesting album title. So far it’s all about wanting, searching, finding, having and losing things…
8. After your two gigs in March, do you have any future dates you can share with us? Any plans to play outside the UK?
We’ve received some offers from South America and will hopefully play some European festivals again…
9. Nosferatu is a well establish gothic rock band with a history and catalogue that spans more than 30 years. How does it feel to be a part of this band that remains so true to its Gothic rock roots?
It feels like being 18 again – in many ways.
10. On another note, do you feel Gothic rock as a whole is receiving less interest, as compared to other genres such as minimal, cold wave, and post punk?
I can’t judge that exactly. On the one hand I think people have lost interest in going out over the years, so people have disappeared. On the other hand there are those (goth) festivals where all these people and bands get together but goth bands do not play a big role – which is because some festival promoters love to see their own bands play more often… In other regions goth in all its facets is still around – looking at MARILYN MANSON over the last two decades or GHOST B.C. who are quite popular these days and have experienced guitarists.
11. Anything else you would like to share with your fans?
Looking forward to seeing everyone! Thank you.