Tzina: As l understand NU:N have been on the goth/dark scene since 2014. How and when was the band formed? What is the current line-up?

Tarannis M.: Sun 17º 41′ Libra Moon 19º 27′ Pisces Asc 26º 22′ Libra M.c 1º 16′ Leo
First of all, I would like to say thanks to Absolution NYC for the invitation to this interview.
The band was officially formed in 2014, although since 2013 we had some rehearsals under the name Vestigia.
All themes composed during those days have been included in our releases.
The Holy Trinity is composed by: Francisco Vaudeville (bass and live back vocals) Pedro Eternal (guitar) and Tarannis M. (vocals, synths, and studio overdubs)
Tzina: NU:N is an interesting name for a band. What is the story behind this choice?
Tarannis M.: Well, we have a special fascinaton for ancient civilizations.
The name was taken from ancient Egyptian mythology.
NUN was the most primitive deity of the Heliopolis pantheon.
NUN personified the liquid abyss or the primordial waters from which everything was created; It is the oldest and wisest deity of all.
In the Hermopolis cosmogony, NUN and his female counterpart Neunet represented the Primordial Water and, along with seven other gods, formed the Ogdoad. NUN (also known as Nu or Ny) is the neter that represents the cosmic liquid that gave rise to the universe. NUN belongs to class: Neteru Primordium. Its name means Abyss.

Tzina: Your band’s music is a collaboration of oldschool and modern sound. Who is the main songwriter behind NU:N’s songs? What inspires you most to write music?
Tarannis M.: We all create some drafts, and together we make the final melodic progressions. ALWAYS extruded and analyzed by the three elements of the band.
Three letters create the word NU:N and three are the elements of the band.
NU:N is a whole creation and not about individualities. Whatever is good for the band we all follow the path as one.
Tzina: What are your musical influences ?
Tarannis M.: To this question I can only answer for myself.
Everything I create with NU: N is inspired by realities lived by my own person. Although some songs are openly inspired by some books that strongly have influenced me, I always do parallel liasons to the events that were experienced by my own person.
I will never write topics with which I do not identify myself. I will never write about the typical ‘My love, my beautiful one’ without including some bitterness or carnal motives. Without that salty metaphor, everything sounds to me corny and unreal.
The word ‘Love’ is used and trivialized by many, who create a utopia or archetype that in my point of view is ugly, fake, and without character.
Love is a thorny rose and not just a place in paradise. We are all imperfect.
As for the musical influences, I consider myself quite eclectic. I hear almost every music genre. If a song gives me the ‘snap’ I don’t care what kind of music it is in.
I am not a fundamentalist.
Tzina: A limited edition of your last E.P. ‘l Will Show You Fear In A Handful Of Dust’ was also released on vinyl with 3 different covers. What feedback did you receive from fans in the day of digital downloading? Do you believe there is a vinyl revival in the scene today?
Tarannis M.: The band’s fans really liked the idea, including the pack edition with the 3 covers which had more output than the single sale.
Vinyl, in my view, never went out of print or ‘fashion’.
There was the hype of compact disc during the 80s, and some misunderstanding decided to get rid of their LPs by switching to CDs. Later there were regrets and some have been trying to recover their collections in the 90s to the present day.
I have always had vinyl releases with other bands in which I participate. From my part it is not a revival, but perhaps the listeners are following the trend. Even cassettes, several bands never stopped using this format. In the deepest underground there are the most passionate collectors and music lovers.

Tzina: What can NU:N fans expect from upcoming releases in the near future?
Tarannis M.: We are currently working on what will be the last album of the trilogy.
It will have a more dense, but also somewhat apocalyptic, atmosphere. Through chaos shall come perfection.
Our songs will always be quite varied, as our followers are getting used to.
We can’t stick to a monochromatic texture throughout an whole album, it isn’t part of our nature.
Tzina: As l understand your band signed with Secret Sin Records this summer. Can you elaborate on that. How did this come about for the band?
Tarannis M.: We were contacted by the label, and we were very pleased with their proposal. I can tell you that in a near future we will have a release by Secret Sin Records. By the way, we have already started our collaboration with them. We did the mastering for the vinyl version for the Kentucky Vampires.
Tzina: NU:N played Prague Gothic Treffen last month. What was that experience like for you as a band? What feelings did this festival leave you for the goth/dark scene today? Do you believe it has moved entirely towards another direction since you started out?
Tarannis M.: It was a very positive experience for us. It’s always nice to be part of these few festivals dedicated to more underground sounds. We know it isn’t easy for those who create these sort of festivals.
The fest divided the subgenres well: goth rock, electronic. They tried to include everything.
I can also say that goth rock is perhaps the least popular subgenre within the genre nowdays, but has the most loyal fans.
New sounds come up, which I support, even though it’s not something I like sometimes. Evolution has to happen, we can’t stay closed in the sands of time.
Tzina: Do you have any other upcoming shows in the near future? What are NU:N’s ambitions as a band? More live shows or recording?
Tarannis M.: We like to create songs and playing our creations live. It is our coronation.
We always try to do our best, whether in the studio or live. We always try to give the maximum of professionalism to our fans. We do not live on the music we make, we do it for pleasure just like many other bands.
For now we only have a show scheduled but I can’t give you further information due to respect for the promotors of this event. They will announce it soon.
Tzina: Anything else you would like to share with your fans?
Don’t be confined to just one musical genre. Don’t lose wonderful work that is waiting to be discovered.
Avoid musical fundamentalisms, respect other musical genres. Music was created to unite, not the opposite. I don’t want to be a moralist or preacher, just look at this as good advice.
Aum. Ha.
fraternally yours
Tarannis M.
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