Poseur Patrol

Poseur Patrol

Poseur Patrol is a group dedicated to the revival and reconstruction of the music scenes around the world. From Goth all the way to Punk, Industrial to Metal, Poseur Patrol puts their heart and soul into the music scenes they’re most passionate about, to fix the...
Interview with Tearful Moon By Kris Hex

Interview with Tearful Moon By Kris Hex

Tearful Moon Interview By Kris Hex   “Hailing from Houston, TX, Tearful Moon are a two piece ensemble consisting of vocalist Sky Lesco and guitarist/programmer Manuel Lozano; Drawing influences from 80’s goth acts such as Danse Society and Trisomie 21 all the way...
Premiere of ROAD OF THE LAW by Terminal Gods

Premiere of ROAD OF THE LAW by Terminal Gods

    You can now listen to the audio of the new Terminal Gods single on GOD IS IN THE TV ZINE You can also PRE ORDER THE NEW SEVEN INCH And you can ATTEND THE SINGLE LAUNCH EVENT “Best band out of the UK in many years” -DJ...