Alchemy / VIRGO / Anathema Device / One Of Us / Spielerfrau / Belaqcua / the Raygun Girls / St. Eve / Infidel / Losing Venus / Folk Fiction / 51 Peg / Carfax Abbey / Violator / the Funeral Crashers / Broken / Secret Satan / Bitter Grace / Polaris / KHZ / Ghost Orgy / Cylab / Curse

Gothic Rock Thursdays / Waxdark

Alchemy / Atomic box / Carfax Abbey / Audra / Dihedral / Xero-g / Nicki Jaine / Ego Likeness / Unto Ashes / Dead Emotion / Ghost Orgy / Regret / The April Skies / Ninth House / Nerve Matter / desc / Thomas Truax / Infidel / Murder in the Dark / Althea’s Birthday Party / In Gowan Ring / Unto Ashes / Stellarscope

Alchemy / Incus / Godbox / Autodrone / Dirty On Purpose / Anathema Device / Second Skin / The Throes / Nicki Jaine / Infidel / The Color Guard / 7 year Anniversary / Ego Likeness / Bitter Grace / Coup D’Etat / Xero-G / Ebe / Kundera / Curse / Platform One / Torsion / Halloween / The Deep Eynde / Penis Fly Trap / Ninth House

Alchemy / Torn Paper Dolls / Ghost Orgy / Anathema Device / The Trinity Project / Echomatrix / Folk Fiction / Datura / Platform One / Dreamatorium / Ego Likeness / Carfax Abbey / Bitter Grace / Torsion / Guest DJ Ian FFord / Infidel / Conscious Structure / Guest DJ Storm / Guest DJ Dandysex / Voltaire / The Drowning Season / Bow Ever Down / Turn Pale / Ninth House / Folk Fiction / Bitter Grace / Ebe / Dorothy Does Drugs / Autodrone / Second Skin / The Throes / Torn Paper Dolls

Alchemy / Platform One / Vampire Nation / Anathema Device / Eisdrive / Nicki Jaine / Sky / The Mystic Underground / Curse / Bitter Grace / Ego Likeness / Folk Fiction / Torsion / Sapphic Ode / Autodrone / The Dresden Dolls / The Throes / Infidel / Ninth House / The Empire Hideous / The Brides / Morgan’s Canon

Alchemy / DJ Jason’s Birthday Party / St. Eve / Carfax Abbey / Folk Fiction / Somna M. Bulist / The Mystic Underground / Platform One / Sabrina / Marianne Nowottny / Chroma / Ego Likeness / Infidel / Shredds / Dirge Carolers / The Plastic Fantastics / Daisy Grace / Creme Blush / Secret Satan / Nicki Jaine / Compugoth / +Complex / The Naked and the Dead / Secret Cervix / E-Indie / Split Me Wide Open / The Witching Hour / Sapphic Ode

Alchemy / Thou Shalt Not / Folk Fiction / More Machine Than Man / Bitter Grace / Unto Ashes / The Drowning Season / Sofia Run / Nicki Jaine / Infidel / 6 year Anniversary / Bitter Grace / Otto’s Daughter / Invisible Records / Chris Connelly / Meg Lee Chin / Killboxxx / Bow Ever Down / Anathema Device / Hate in the Box / DropDeadGorgeous / Suture.Seven / Torsion / Dorothy Does Drugs / DJ Jason’s Birthday Party / Carfax Abbey / Folk Fiction / Somna M. Bulist