Alchemy / Atomic box / Carfax Abbey / Audra / Dihedral / Xero-g / Nicki Jaine / Ego Likeness / Unto Ashes / Dead Emotion / Ghost Orgy / Regret / The April Skies / Ninth House / Nerve Matter / desc / Thomas Truax / Infidel / Murder in the Dark / Althea’s Birthday Party / In Gowan Ring / Unto Ashes / Stellarscope

The Court of Lazarus / Unto Ashes / Ra / Belly Dancing / Machine

The Court of Lazarus / Myke Hideous / Unto Ashes

Alchemy / Thou Shalt Not / Folk Fiction / More Machine Than Man / Bitter Grace / Unto Ashes / The Drowning Season / Sofia Run / Nicki Jaine / Infidel / 6 year Anniversary / Bitter Grace / Otto’s Daughter / Invisible Records / Chris Connelly / Meg Lee Chin / Killboxxx / Bow Ever Down / Anathema Device / Hate in the Box / DropDeadGorgeous / Suture.Seven / Torsion / Dorothy Does Drugs / DJ Jason’s Birthday Party / Carfax Abbey / Folk Fiction / Somna M. Bulist

Alchemy / Bitter Grace / Secret Satan / New Year’s Eve / Voltaire / Otto’s Daughter / Charm School / Job / Unto Ashes / Sins of Lust / Bitter Fall / Bow Ever Down / +Complex

Alchemy / Stendhal / Dust Dedayne / Bitter Grace / Secret Satan / Voltaire / Otto’s Daughter / Charm School / Unto Ashes / Sins of Lust

The Black Party
The follow up to Red Party, The Black Party was the largest successful club night since the early days of Communion. It was held during the net.goth Convergence, but was not part of that Festival. DJ Jason brought an Absolution style DJ marathon to 3 of the...
Alchemy / Vamp / Unto Ashes