Alchemy / KHZ / Vibralux / Flesh Fetish / Losing Venus / Datura / A Different State / Eleanor Payne / siMonsteRn / Bow Ever Down / Bitter Grace / Xero-G / Halovox / Drop Dead Fest Afterparty / Dead Emotion / the Vein / Ego Likeness / Voltaire / Vulgaras / Dark Eden / Ninth House / Get Precious / Attics Noise / Murder in the Dark / The Evolutionaries / VIRGO

Alchemy / Atomic box / Carfax Abbey / Audra / Dihedral / Xero-g / Nicki Jaine / Ego Likeness / Unto Ashes / Dead Emotion / Ghost Orgy / Regret / The April Skies / Ninth House / Nerve Matter / desc / Thomas Truax / Infidel / Murder in the Dark / Althea’s Birthday Party / In Gowan Ring / Unto Ashes / Stellarscope

Alchemy / Incus / Godbox / Autodrone / Dirty On Purpose / Anathema Device / Second Skin / The Throes / Nicki Jaine / Infidel / The Color Guard / 7 year Anniversary / Ego Likeness / Bitter Grace / Coup D’Etat / Xero-G / Ebe / Kundera / Curse / Platform One / Torsion / Halloween / The Deep Eynde / Penis Fly Trap / Ninth House