by DJ Jason | Apr 8th, 2016 | DJs, Events, Goth News, In the Press, Other Events, Scene
DJ Jason, Alchemy, The Bank, Absolution and so much more is in this great new book on the history of NYC music and nightlife, by the esteemed rock journalist Steven Blush (owner of Seconds magazine US and the author of many top selling music books, including American...
by DJ Jason | Nov 8th, 2015 | In the Press, Scene
Poseur Patrol is a group dedicated to the revival and reconstruction of the music scenes around the world. From Goth all the way to Punk, Industrial to Metal, Poseur Patrol puts their heart and soul into the music scenes they’re most passionate about, to fix the...
by DJ Jason | Dec 7th, 2013 | Events
ULTERIA Saturday, January 4th Industrial Gothic EBM Your Favorite old school and new school dark music Every 1st Saturday DJ Sekt DJ Mange ~ Special Guest ~ DJ Xtine (Absolution NYC) ~ Teeth by Dnash ~ ages 21 + $5 Cover Doors 9pm – 2am $3 well drinks 10-11pm...
by DJ Jason | Apr 22nd, 2011 | Goth News, Products, Uncategorized
Monica’s Last Prayer, a new goth band from the UK, is offering a free download of their latest EP. Download their Revolutions EP here. Released 28 March 2011 Written and recorded by Paul Broome, march 2011 Backing vocals by...